so the sleeping on the floor thing is geting old really fucking fast, i wake up more and more stiff, lets see, i was going to ohio to see the last 9 shocks show not going to now, every one i would want to go with bailed on me and i don't want to make the 9 hour drive with just ron and john that trip would get old fast,naters didn't like the rough mix for the 7" of our stuff(said its to flat, he could be right), its being mixed tonight hopefully it can be brightened up a bit, if not we'll have to rerecord it. he also got the rest of the session that was going to be the demo he said he may raither but some of those songs on it, its his dime, i'm wondering what ones they are, a few of them were writen at the tail end off a week long bender, it would be funny if it was one of those.
More Blogs
Monday May 06, 2013
My vacation a day by day journal or at least what I remember. Saturd… -
Tuesday Apr 30, 2013
Today has been my vacation day of doing nothing useful. Iv read comic… -
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
Woke up early today went to a record fair. Got home drank some beers … -
Friday Apr 26, 2013
It's Friday! It's been a long week but I see the light at the end of … -
Thursday Apr 18, 2013
i had a friend who moved away last year over last night, i am either… -
Sunday Apr 14, 2013
I'm am bored at work so I guess I'll just post some random photos tha… -
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
i'm finding it real hard to get motivated right now. its been a 3 blo… -
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
in a few hours i will be heading to Cleveland ohio, for a car show. t… -
Saturday Apr 28, 2012 if anyone cares hardcore punk -
Friday Mar 16, 2012
didn't buy the house, the sellers and i couldn't agree on a price, th…
i'll recap. ryan's stupid got pregnant. she decided not to get an abortion. ryan decided to do the right thing, and move back to chino with her. seth was upset so he left notes for everyone and took off on his sailboat for the caribbean maybe? that's basically all i remember. only 6 more weeks.
i feel so lame, but gosh, i can't wait.