so i have been 30 for one solid week, and i don't feel any different so i guess that a good thing. i had a health scare last month. on new years eve i woke up and my balls were in pain! so i go to urgent care and they do an ultra sound on my balls and they tell me i have cyst on my left testicle. they basically told me to just take Advil and kicked me out the door. so i go to my regular doctor, now i haven't been in over ten years. they take my blood, and a few hours later they call and tell me i have an over functioning liver. now i have been drinking heavily for the last 5 years and mixed with the advil i was taking it was fucking up my liver. so i quit drinking for a few weeks and taking Advil. and they take my blood a few more times and my liver has improved. now i have cut back on the drinking, and as far as my balls go they only hurt some of the time so i'll live with it for now.
also fuck this winter and fuck national grid.
also i leave to go to southern California(oc ) tomorrow. my cousin is getting married so my family is flying out there. i'm excited iv never been and considering the high around hear has been 24 i'll take it. i'm really looking forward to the flight so i can just read.
also i should be getting a huge promotion at work, every ones telling me i have it, we'll see.