pretty decent weekend, dropdead and was awesome, as was tragidy, i drank alote of beer eat alote of bbq, got some comic books i've beeen hunting for i'll give the weekend a 7 outa 10, i don't want to go to work
More Blogs
Monday Apr 14, 2008
ahh girls. girls girls girls -
Saturday Apr 05, 2008
this is how much of a nerd i am. i got some computer program to keep … -
Friday Apr 04, 2008
so what the fuck. its been over a year and i'm still hung up on my ex… -
Wednesday Apr 02, 2008
so after a year i finaly have a computer. now i find myself wasting … -
Friday Nov 23, 2007
three turkys for thanksgiving this year all diferent all great my fav… -
Wednesday Nov 14, 2007
same old shit, nothing exciting to report, read some good comics. got… -
Wednesday Oct 24, 2007
go sox!!! so after a day of smoking dope and drinking beer the red so… -
Monday May 14, 2007
worst weekend ever, so i've been trying to get back togther with my e… -
Tuesday Apr 24, 2007
TOTAL FURY /REAGAN SS/the JURY TOUR STARTS next Sat.... the dates...… -
Tuesday Jan 30, 2007
how can i feel like shit this early in the day