go sox!!! so after a day of smoking dope and drinking beer the red sox are up 12 to 1 or something like that. i'm feeling prety good. mmm its been a while the jury has broken up. i'm bumbed out about that. work sucks, i'm goan buy a new car i'm torn between geting a truck a van or a hotrod. comic books are good, and i should be geting my 57 gretch back soon from geting refreted
More Blogs
Thursday Oct 20, 2011
sooo i got married last month and i'm buying a house, i'm a busy busy… -
Saturday Apr 09, 2011
just worked an 11 hour retail shift for a "super sale" i am pooped -
Sunday Feb 13, 2011
i had to pick up my car in Utica today, and while leaving i missed th… -
Thursday Feb 10, 2011
buying my girlfreind some lingerie for valentines day. i am gutsy an… -
Sunday Jul 18, 2010
so we found a place, its pretty cool, a small house, i and its about … -
Sunday Jul 18, 2010
so we found a place, its pretty cool, a small house, i and its about … -
Monday Jul 12, 2010
my girlfriend and i have been looking for a place, this is very frust… -
Monday Jul 05, 2010
it is fucking hot ! -
Wednesday Jan 06, 2010
crab cakes for breakfast -
Wednesday Nov 25, 2009
so i told my family i would smoke this years turkey with my new smoke…