II have to work on this lovely friday, as do many of you. Also this weekend I have towork on a presentation for work for a promotion I'm not that excited for. Hears a list of this I would rather be doing
drink beer
play music
read comics
play video games
hope fully I'll get to do some of these, at least I have...
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I was sick for almost two weeks. I'm finally feeling better. I was chosen to go to some kind of advance training for work but it in jersey. Who wants to go there? This Friday we'really playing some last minute birthday show for my friend jay should be fun. His goal this year is not to take any head shots as he got knocked out...
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So a little over a month ago I ended it with this girl I was seeing. Reason being I wanted to see other people. She was cute and cool, so I'm really an asshate, but I know I did the right thing for not stringing her along, but the last week I'm thinking I shold call her, then I go no as hole don't call...
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so my favorite band ( poison idea) is playing my favorite town/ band( Cleveland / now that's class ) and opening is my good friend larrys band wetbrain
The black and outline are done, now just needs color.
A year ago today was one of my darkest days i have ever had. A year ago I feel a million times better about everything in my life. It always gets better
so i have been 30 for one solid week, and i don't feel any different so i guess that a good thing. i had a health scare last month. on new years eve i woke up and my balls were in pain! so i go to urgent care and they do an ultra sound on my balls and they tell me i have cyst on...
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