What a crappy day it has turned out to be. Needed to get a couple of items so I had everything planned out. Went to store #1 to get three items, guess what, they were out of stock on the one item, so I figured I would go to another store to get all three. Stopped at store #2 and it turns out they didn't have the right item. At store #3 I realized I forgot the part number of the item and didn't know the model number that it went to. Luck had it that store #4 next to it had the part that I needed from store #2. I thought that I could get part of store #1s items from store #5, but the prices were double than the other stores, so to make a long story stort after three more stores I finally got everything. Then when I went to drop off an item at my daughters they had a large tetherball pole in the drive way and when I was turning around in the driveway I managed to tap a couple of bricks and do about $600.00 damage to the front end.
I guess it could be worse.

Thank you