Read CleoKat's blog from the other day where she was telling about going pistol popping and some fools started shooting past them. These are the type of people that give the anti gun nuts much of ammo for their cause. Beresponsible when using and handling firearms. In the past year there has been 3 cases of adults leaving loaded pistols where kids have ended up getting a hold of them and causing damage. In two casesthe adult had left aloaded pistol in the car with young childern. The other case the kid found the pistol at his mothers boy friends house and put it in his school back. While atschool the backback dropped and the gun discharged wounding a classmate. I have no problems with firearms of any type, but I do with fucking idiots, (34s) that are irresponsible in the use and stowage of firearms.
I totally agree. Guns really aren't the problem, it's people and how they handle them. People need to be more responsible and use their brains. If there are children around, unclip it, check the chamber, have the safety on, and keep it out of sight.