Recently I have been asked on occasion when I am going to retire. I think about it more and more and have come to the conclusion that if I would retire I would be sitting watch TV shows like "Jerry Springer" and drinking beer. But if I continue to work I get paid to be observe the nut cases up close. It is a circus...
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Why retire when you get paid for entertainment? I don't know what you do, but it seems like its got to be a little fun.
Just a quick question. Does it make sense that an individual would go to the gym use the stationary bike and stepmaster then turn around arid ride an elevator up or down one floor, rather than take the stairs?
Thank you!
Haha, that's pretty funny!
Haha, that's pretty funny!
Not much is happening in my part of the world. I am continually amazing how many material goods I have and do not use. I need to start to get rid of some of this stuff. Overall I can not complain since I seldom have gone hungry or lacked shelter. A lot of people have had it alot worse than I ever had. One complaint...
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What a crappy day it has turned out to be. Needed to get a couple of items so I had everything planned out. Went to store #1 to get three items, guess what, they were out of stock on the one item, so I figured I would go to another store to get all three. Stopped at store #2 and it turns out they didn't...
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Thank you 

I swear I have never been associated with a such a large group of people that run around like chickens with thier heads cut off and don't know shit from shinola. One was trying to open a case of botted water the other day and was having trouble with the plastic.So acoworker offered them a knive. First worker replied " I am not allowed to...
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I must be an idiot, why else would I work for people who are so smart that they assign a person who has trouble hearing to answer phones? That is only one example I have. I could write for the next 3 hours giving more examples. But at times it is entertaining, maybe that is why I still work there. Have a good day.

oh god, all jobs are run by the same person I swear
ooo me too my dear, me too 

I am sure confused on what I want to do.I want to get another car something like a Ford Fairlane from the mid sixties, a good example would be like the one the Burley Brothers Rod on Facebook have for sale. Price I feel is right and wouldn't have to do much more. Then there is the idea of getting a replica shell for 69...
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60s Fairlanes are beautiful. I remember walking to school everyday & a house on the way had one sitting in their drive way. I always thought I would own one someday Then in HS a friend of mine had a 69 mustang, I adored that car too. & I'm kind of partial to the 67 Impala. Yep, you're right, soooo many choices....
I'm stuck with a van for now, but when the kids get older......
I'm stuck with a van for now, but when the kids get older......
Thanks for your comment
Found out that a friend got fired the other day. Lately he started to drink at work and it got so his supervisor couldn't ignore it.He was a very likable person before he started drinking so heavy. Hopefully he will get his shit together and get back on track. It sucks to watch a friend ruin their life.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.
Thank your for the support on my set.
Thank your for the support on my set.
thank you very much
and sorry for him

Do not have much to say except that I wantto wish everyone a happy Valentines Day and all your romantic fantasies come true. I am going to start to make an effort to blog once in awhile, but I live a dull life and no one needs to hear me complain.
Start out 2013 by wishing all my SG friends a properous, healthy, new year filled with happiness. May your wishes and hopes come true.
Sure glad that we got the holiday season over with. I wish that I could hibernate between Thanksgiving and New Years so I could avoid all the bullshit and drama that occurrs. Then there are incidents like in 2011 where someone...
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Sure glad that we got the holiday season over with. I wish that I could hibernate between Thanksgiving and New Years so I could avoid all the bullshit and drama that occurrs. Then there are incidents like in 2011 where someone...
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Hope 2013 has been good to you so far 
and I'll go with that description of my tatas

and I'll go with that description of my tatas

One quick comment. I think I would keel over and die if I went a week without hearing someone talking about their aches and pains. One week without hearing about someones medical problems is not too much to ask, is it?
Yesterday was the last day of work for three weeks. Sure sucks when you got some fool killing childern. If you are going to kill get old people like myself. We have had the oppertunity to experience life where as the childern have not. I am not ready to go yet, but if it had to be me or a child then I would be...
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Thank you!
It's such terrible news.

It's such terrible news.