It is kind of depressing....moving to a new city, not having any friends close enough to visit and not having any money to be able to do fun stuff and meet new people. *sigh*
Act now! Do not delay! WPBMTQS (Weekends Passing By Much Too Quickly Syndrome) can be prevented. All you need is the Handy, Dandy Time Stop 5000! For the low, low cost of one beer, the knowledge and power can be yours!
oh man....I feel like I'm in college again. I took on a freelance project. Oohed and ahhed them with the shirt graphic. They also wanted a welcome package, but took their sweet ass time to get it all of the info to me. Granted...I could have started without that verbal vomit. But did I? no. They gave me most of the info on friday as... Read More
Hello, hello. I'm so very sorry to have kept you all waiting. I'm sure some of you may very well have thought that I had been ravaged by a one hook handed man on route to my destination. Others may have thought that I went back to a time before there was internet. Others still might have just figured that I was shirking on my... Read More
is reconciliation a worth-while option? I mean. people say it is. you've invested all this time and love into why not try to make it work? I think about it and sometimes I agree. Other times...other times I think, yeah...I've invested a lot of time and love into my arm...but I'd be damned if I... Read More
hello boys and girls, don't be blue. I wrote this blog just for you! I'm drunk! hahaha. oh man. so. I found some good cheap beer (perfect 10). well. the first beer was good. by the end of the second I thought maybe it was gross just because it was the end..but the beginning of the third was just as I chugged it...and then... Read More
Boobjob..most likely. Just a B! I'm like a AA. I want to see Evil Dead the Musical soo bad! Lucky you!