I got 50 new piercings today. wanna see?
if only every piercing I got hurt this much...
in other less exciting news, my brothers grad ceremony was today. man. what a waste of five hours. I only wish I had left my new piercings in. I could have stabbed myself to death...that would have been way more fun.

if only every piercing I got hurt this much...

in other less exciting news, my brothers grad ceremony was today. man. what a waste of five hours. I only wish I had left my new piercings in. I could have stabbed myself to death...that would have been way more fun.
i think im going to warped tour but im not sure b ecause sarahjane doesnt keep me up to date very well on what shes doing, which she should because when we have plans together i like to know if i should reschedule things and plan with other people. grrrr....so confusing. i cant wait to have my car licensed and blahblah blah.
i suck.
im lame
blah blha
times up stand up face the muzak smile wide step outside....
do you listen to eve 6??
im thinkin about entering into a manga comic competition. i coud win a bit of money if i did, and maybe get my foot in the door. maybe if life gets truly amazing i can even start to make a living off my art. wouldnt that be swell????
and get a tattoo apprentieship. before i choke to death on frustration. blah.
life is dumb right now. people are idiots dont waste your time on them.
look at me,im jaded!!!!
"i found a dime under the corner cushion wishing it was somewhere else, and so do i!"
oh good ol eve 6....
small town trap with dreams of breaking out.
actually just wanna break away fromt he fuckfaces. wow long random drawn out idiot comment from me...oops.
ok oikiee okeeeei oki.
im done.
dodoee doo dee doo dee da doo da.
yay its my birthday in a few. hurrah!