hahahaI just won some contest from sonic(radio station). I get to go to a special listening party, hosted by Bif Naked. I gather we'll be listening to her cd or something....I get to bring a guest and I get a copy of her newest cd. um...I just entered for the fun of it. I'm not a huge Bif Naked fan..but it will still be fun. Although, I'm not impressed about the pizza and pop that will be served(pizza will have cheese and I don't drink pop...at least not very often...very seldom.). Might be neat. My brother is all excited cuz he'll get to see her. It'll be a very busy saturday for me. First I work then I get to hussle from there to my parents house to celebrate my birthday, my dads birthday, and fathers day. Then I have to leave w/ my bro for that listening party. Then that night I'm going to see some band XIU XIU....I've never heard them before, but they better be good(and my ex better be nice, or I'll walk right out of there). A busy day. it better be a good one. I am currently making a surprise.
Bif is rad, total hottie.
RE: my cats are 10, 9, and 11 weeks for the two munchkins. The seniors in the household are royally t-oed.
And this G4 is practically brand new! I guess that's computers for ya. They's outdated within an hour of buying them.
I saw Biff live. She's cool. I'm not a huge fan, but I like her moxy.