I had a song stuck in my head today. on the ride home, they played it on the radio. it made me happy. Gavin is going crazy. I've been gone all day. Tomorrow I get my starfish tattoo finished. happy days. and maybe my website will be completed by thursday. friday at the latest. Saturday if something critical comes up. my shirt is dirty. Gavin will not be silenced. I am tired. I need to shave tomorrow because after I get my tattoo finished I don't think I'll be able to bend my arm very well. I just took my dirty shirt off because it is warm in here. I am now going to entertain Gavin by playing with a string and then going to bed. I will now leave you with this:
You are my only girl, but you're not my owner girl. You are my only girl, but you're not my owner. etc. etc. *starts dancing*
You are my only girl, but you're not my owner girl. You are my only girl, but you're not my owner. etc. etc. *starts dancing*
oh swell. thanks for sharing, now i got that stuck in my head too...what is that....hot hot heat? i cant recall...hmmm....
i have that song on my ipod and sometimes i listen to it over and over again while i'm driving. i like the beeps and boops at the beginning of it.