I am going to sleep. I have been up for almost 24 hrs. 4 of which saw me at work. After work I went to my cousins house. We played this game for close to 17 hrs. my butt is sore and my eyes want to fall out. In that 17 hrs span I went to the washroom once, and that was pretty much the only time I left my seat. My super sweet auntie made me snack food and speghetti. She also folded my clothes cuz I didn't hear that the laundry was finished(for some reason the laundry machine in my appt. is out of order. for the past few weeks I've been taking my laundry to my parents house. this time it was my aunties)
lucky me to have such a nice auntie! stupid computer games and their addictivness. He offered to let me take one of his pcs home. I was like no. I'll never get anything done if I take it home. I'm so useless sometimes. well time to sleep. I prey to the athiest god phone calls that I recieve none untill well into the afternoon. now time to make like a banana and split.

I wish my aunt would do stuff. Like, other than berate me that is.

you are very dedicated my friend.