Uncle Outrage
Voodoo Glow Skulls
the Wolf Note
nothing worth listening to in X, Y, Z
so I got a couch, loveseat and foot rest thingie for under 22 bones. props to theresa for helping me bring them into my appartment. Party at my place
Gavin has spent most of the night sleeping on top of the couch. so cute. um so I spent so much time today trying to log onto this site but it wasn't even loading...not till now. I was sad. but now I am happy. Now I must sleep so I can get up for work tomorrow. and then roadie. yeah me. mucha lucha hugs for all!
Voodoo Glow Skulls
the Wolf Note
nothing worth listening to in X, Y, Z
so I got a couch, loveseat and foot rest thingie for under 22 bones. props to theresa for helping me bring them into my appartment. Party at my place

i went to visit my cats at my moms house last nite, and my kitty that i adopted from teh pound slapped me in the face cause i stopped petting him. it was funny.