wow. two 20 comment entries. this is fun. Next winner will get um... to record me running around with my batman mask on. and um...nothing else. You will also recieve a shirt that reads "I was Marks 20th hit" and a signed glossy photo of your favorite mark.
In other news,
I get to be a roadie for my friends band the B-Movies. Some good ol' fashioned rockabilly. Yup. I will now eat this lame supper I have made for myself and see how many cookies I can stuff into my mouth at one time. And yes, I will be taking bets as to how many I get in there at one time.
In other news,
I get to be a roadie for my friends band the B-Movies. Some good ol' fashioned rockabilly. Yup. I will now eat this lame supper I have made for myself and see how many cookies I can stuff into my mouth at one time. And yes, I will be taking bets as to how many I get in there at one time.
Whoa, small world. I actually now who the B-Movies are. Well actually I think I just know the drummer...I think he played the drums in the band. And I have never heard them play.
But kinda nifty that I know what you are talking about. go me go!

You like writing about dinner and cookies. It makes me hungry.