being the cool copy cat that I am I stole this from VanityxAssassin
choose an artist and use song titles for answers:
my artist is- .moneen.
Are you male or female: Life's Too Short Little Ndugu
Describe yourself: Half Empty? Half Full? I Never Got A Glass To Start
How do some people feel about you: Why Bother Wondering When
Wondering's All You Got
How do you feel about yourself: With This Song I Will Destroy Myself
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: What Did You Say?... I'm Sorry, My
Eyes Are Burning
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: How Many Other Girls Are
There In The World Anyway?
Describe where you want to be: The Passing Of America
Describe what you want to be: I Wish I Was There To See The Way It
Was Supposed To Be
Describe how you live: Closing My Eyes Won't Help Me Leave
Describe how you love: No Better Way To Show Your Love Than A Set
Of Broken Legs
Share a few words of wisdom: To Say Something That Means Nothing
To Anyone At All
choose an artist and use song titles for answers:
my artist is- .moneen.
Are you male or female: Life's Too Short Little Ndugu
Describe yourself: Half Empty? Half Full? I Never Got A Glass To Start
How do some people feel about you: Why Bother Wondering When
Wondering's All You Got
How do you feel about yourself: With This Song I Will Destroy Myself
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: What Did You Say?... I'm Sorry, My
Eyes Are Burning
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: How Many Other Girls Are
There In The World Anyway?
Describe where you want to be: The Passing Of America
Describe what you want to be: I Wish I Was There To See The Way It
Was Supposed To Be
Describe how you live: Closing My Eyes Won't Help Me Leave
Describe how you love: No Better Way To Show Your Love Than A Set
Of Broken Legs
Share a few words of wisdom: To Say Something That Means Nothing
To Anyone At All
what? What is this? Where am I?
Oh no wait I said ADD not Alzheimers.
edited to say: I think this Rogers Video actually does have a porn section. Woohoo! Backdoor Bitches #4!
[Edited on May 04, 2005 3:02PM]