*yawn* so I went to bed at like 7:30 last night and woke up at like um 9:15 this morning. that's like. 14 hours of sleep. I like sleep. sometimes, I'd rather sleep or nap then do stuff with girls. Not that I have anything against girls who are thowing themselves at me. I just like sleep. It looks nice out today, which is good. I can go for another walk. I think I might take gavin out for a bit today as well. Time to eat. Tattoo in T Minus 05:30:00
you're going to kidnapp me ? oh no ! what a cruel destiny... I'll be baking ! 

i want cookies. if you still have the stuff then i will come eairly and we can make them and have like a picnic or something. also i am going to be leaving my smelly skates at your place. well they may be smelly. i'm not sure. depends how hot it is and what not. i will call to wake you up before i go.