I have added more pics and have also decided to now reveal my old shirtless pic. So I hope you can all see it because all I see is that blue square with a questionmark inside...
Oh my, you sexy, hairy beast.
you are the yummiest boy ever! i need sex...NOW!! umm..ya your topples one that is supposed to be in your journal is just an x but it works in your album, i think the ladies will figure it out and if they can't then they just really don't deserve to see it. as for my sg people i just like did some random people who looked like they might be interesting and then whatever hot chick i liked. i'm sure if you added them to your list then they would add you. i don't really talk to them. you think i have time for that!? ok well i do but i haven't been in a social mood lately. i keep trying to be but it just doesn't work. you seem to be the only one i can stand being around right now. i think i'm going to be an ass and stay home today. i feel a bit better but i think i'd really just be better off sleeping. i have to ..well i think i have to work on saturday now. not all of them but this one i might. but only until 11...i refuse to work past that. i mean i have a concert to get ready for right. but you know...if you ended up taking until 11 to finish with your tags then i would be more than willing to feed you if you came home with me. speaking of food. i should eat. but ya...your like crazy hot and should post more pictures. and umm..i'll be home but i'm only willing to talk online cause my voice is no good now. luv ya, bye.