I helped my friend move today...my body is sooo sore and tired...and I was going to go to bed early cuz that way I'd actually get some sleep but nope. my cuz called and invited me over, and who am I to pass up some good company...we watched a bootlegged Be Cool...Hillarious..you'd see shadows from people getting up and walking around and it seemed like it was filmed before a live studio audiance cuz when something funny happened you could hear laughter...and lets not get into the bad dubbing...at one point someone kicked the camera and you got to see black and then the movie from a funny angle and then finally straight ahead again...crazy...but now it's super late and I have to go to work soon...so I can go help move more stuff after work...also this girl who keeps breaking plans with me called me for the first time in over a week. I'm not sure what to make of her. Also, apparently I have a ladies den...or something to that extent. So um...all you ladies get on over here cuz um...there's no ladies in my den at the moment..only Gavin the Shouter of Words I Do Not Understand....um time to lay down in the den. chow.
More Blogs
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Nothing new to report....other then pants chafe. Just say no to pants. -
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Tuesday Mar 21, 2006
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I dunno, with this gentleman, I could see myself getting attached... not a good thing