you are in a car in a parking lot, with a passenger. There are four stalls infront of you. Three are unoccupied, but one has a lone cart in the way. what do you do?
1. To park in one of the three unoccupied stalls go to page2
2. To make your passenger get out of the running vehical and push the cart out of the one stall and into another go to page3
you sucessfully park in one of the unobstructed stalls. you and your passenger purchase your groceries without any hassle. THE END
you cannot believe your luck! the one stall you want is occupied by a cart! you quicky bark at your passenger to go out and push the cart into another stall to allow you to park in that exact spot. Your passenger complains but you offer the back of your hand to silence the outburst. They get out and push the cart out of the way and into one of the previously three unobstructed stalls, and you sucessfully park in the one stall that had previously been occupied beside three unoccupied stalls.'re a dink, you're stupid and you were one of many customers I had today that fit that profile...THE END....dink
you are in a car in a parking lot, with a passenger. There are four stalls infront of you. Three are unoccupied, but one has a lone cart in the way. what do you do?
1. To park in one of the three unoccupied stalls go to page2
2. To make your passenger get out of the running vehical and push the cart out of the one stall and into another go to page3
you sucessfully park in one of the unobstructed stalls. you and your passenger purchase your groceries without any hassle. THE END
you cannot believe your luck! the one stall you want is occupied by a cart! you quicky bark at your passenger to go out and push the cart into another stall to allow you to park in that exact spot. Your passenger complains but you offer the back of your hand to silence the outburst. They get out and push the cart out of the way and into one of the previously three unobstructed stalls, and you sucessfully park in the one stall that had previously been occupied beside three unoccupied stalls.'re a dink, you're stupid and you were one of many customers I had today that fit that profile...THE END....dink
People are dinks.