soooooo I had a crazy interview with a guy I'm sure is loco. but the job would be so cool if I got it...apart from having to drive far that is. So on the way to my moms house for some hang time with her and my bro this guy in front of me was all swervy so I had to quicky get out of his path...with put me on a road to nowhere and then a ditch. it was oh so much fun when I couldn't get out. But some really nice people helped me out so I was all like: awww you're my bestest friends in the whole world! um then I was at my moms and once again strayed from veganism and had some perogies...damn....I'm fine at home and at work and out but put me in someone elses home and I cave...also, I snatched her digital camcorder...which you can take pictures should have some very recent pictures here soon. none of this like...old picture junk...although that guy to the right of me who is winking at me is kind of cute...hmmmmmhow you doin? right. sleep time!
More Blogs
Friday Apr 14, 2006
Nothing new to report....other then pants chafe. Just say no to pants. -
Saturday Apr 08, 2006
...he was in need of food. Not wanting to actually cook, he decided t… -
Sunday Apr 02, 2006
...all I have on right now is a black pair of socks and some black un… -
Friday Mar 31, 2006
So there I was: minding my own business, making some veggie burgers. … -
Tuesday Mar 28, 2006
I'm seriously tempted to try Gavins liquid smells lik… -
Sunday Mar 26, 2006
'A grand don't come for free' I picked up Gavin from the emergency… -
Friday Mar 24, 2006
I want to see 16 blocks. I haven't seen the trailers yet, but I was a… -
Wednesday Mar 22, 2006
It should not be encouraged, nor punished. It should be accepted, ye… -
Tuesday Mar 21, 2006
when I grow up I'm going to be a mucha lucha, just like Jack Black -
Tuesday Mar 21, 2006
du du du...backing up files is fun! I have way too much music on my m…
Thats a really good idea. sandwich bag, thats what my new bag is, a sandwich bag.
Oh, maybe I could make it some kind of like, transportation bag! I would put food in there and take it all over to my friends and family! I would buy handcuffs and hook it to my arm so no one would be able to take it away from me. I would have a gun as well. A big gun.
[Edited on Mar 23, 2005 3:18AM]