soooooo I had a crazy interview with a guy I'm sure is loco. but the job would be so cool if I got it...apart from having to drive far that is. So on the way to my moms house for some hang time with her and my bro this guy in front of me was all swervy so I had to quicky get out of his path...with put me on a road to nowhere and then a ditch. it was oh so much fun when I couldn't get out. But some really nice people helped me out so I was all like: awww you're my bestest friends in the whole world! um then I was at my moms and once again strayed from veganism and had some perogies...damn....I'm fine at home and at work and out but put me in someone elses home and I cave...also, I snatched her digital camcorder...which you can take pictures should have some very recent pictures here soon. none of this like...old picture junk...although that guy to the right of me who is winking at me is kind of cute...hmmmmmhow you doin? right. sleep time!
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 16, 2005
stress is going down. only slightly though. Printers printed the wron… -
Sunday Aug 14, 2005
I am rotting I am rotting and everything is getting soft, I am rotti… -
Saturday Aug 13, 2005
Note to invading aliens: Avoid this town, like this town avoided us..… -
Tuesday Aug 09, 2005
people who rock out and play air guitar at a rock show should be shot… -
Friday Aug 05, 2005
Note to self: be a wreck by half past ten.... -
Tuesday Aug 02, 2005
Currently Listening To: The Streets Currently Feeling: a combination… -
Monday Aug 01, 2005
Housesitting update 1: I have been making tasty food the past few da… -
Saturday Jul 30, 2005
I am house sitting for my parents for the next month. what fun. At le… -
Tuesday Jul 26, 2005
I recieved a package in the mail from SG. It contains my shirt and st…
Thats a really good idea. sandwich bag, thats what my new bag is, a sandwich bag.
Oh, maybe I could make it some kind of like, transportation bag! I would put food in there and take it all over to my friends and family! I would buy handcuffs and hook it to my arm so no one would be able to take it away from me. I would have a gun as well. A big gun.
[Edited on Mar 23, 2005 3:18AM]