Hello all! <3
I want to thank all of your beautiful people for showing so much love on my newest set, "Belle Ame". I love each and every one of you and appreciate it so much!! :)
Thanks to all my ladies! <3 @doncella @ski @karenyna @scarygates @pimenta @mable @midnightsun @lyn @arko @leemalee_ @allybloom @sinthroughtragedy @romany @marlene @luxes @foxxyluv @tcha @nictofilya @rosegold @elaena @darkyrie @ramen @taylini
And all the members who have shown so much love and support. Thank you! :)
@bs2006 @runewolf @freakme @jvelazquez @crimsontemplar @fallout88 @frankmainsail @mikewhitephotog @panther289 @nikop141 @joker36568 @nicolletta @kjh @hubbabubba @adventureguy @hockey1 @bassrunner @20watt @toddmk77 @ickle59 @wednesdayaddams12 @billpowerssr @dave4224 @mhn2015 @titfortat @belverdereonice @theatombomb @blkclement @lorenzoars @jessid64 @liquidus @abashima @hephestuss @ericgrulke @chef_loc @giotost20 @mirajj @bayharbourbutcha @flo111 @sincerelymoseisley @animalover @ferkixlll @mountaineer4 @2001roadstar @noluck77 @arcadiagrim @maineymoe @mhef @knozelkopp @darthwader12 @tmoeller @lordgary @666vicodin69 @dh9261 @captainmcbarky @rafa2014 @sebastiaan81 @duneraven @aloinascarddm @batman663 @martinathj @luckya @rodrigodz @vortex64738 @the_cunalinguist @conradtuffski @timtim929 @royalnomads @bigjon7070 @knuckles74 @punkflamingo @scarletvixen @yup7474 @martak @ngv @orangeste @christopher67 @rlochraven @limes18 @skrusel @meosne @espero49 @hollywood13 @billybuggs @freakme @user54742 @ramseyk9 @lovebigboobs @master_yoda1 @zombie74 @anarchist23 @thengineer @redbird19 @stephr @jozsef @jmiano82 @mckayw @sugadaddi @kevinmaxwell @aolsen74 @slyxxx180 @waitformetoturnblue
And for those of you who haven't seen it yet, please be sure to check it out! :) Belle Ame shot by @rdwaterphoto!! <3 <3
Now to catch you up on some stuff, eh?
My house is still a piece of shit at the moment. We have been very kind and patient with our insurance, depsite the fact they are taking their sweet ass time about it. My roomate fell through the attic leaving a huge hole in our ceiling. Then the spot where the storm actually tore it up, started caving in. So now I have two awesome holes in my ceiling, while waiting for the insurance to kick in and hope it stops raining here... UGH!! Luckily the check has been sent to us and only waiting for the fix! We were told by the time it's all over, we will have an entirely new ceiling and roof :)
They totaled the car that the tree fell on, and then I got this beauty! <3
Hooray for silver lining! :D
Then I found out one of my photos was put into a magazine! ^.^ I should be getting copies of that real soon! So excited about that!!
I went on a fun pony ride with my bestie too. Much needed therapy for sure. <3 Some random person snapped this pic of us and it appeared on my feed. :D So naturally, I had to share it <3
And lastly, I will leave you with a hot as fuck photo from the amazing @rdwaterphoto. I can't get enough of the photos we took! <3 <3
x0x0 <3