I am strong, I can make it through this...happy sundies everyone <3
Sorry this is going to be a short blog, I'm about to leave to have some dinner with some friends. I just wanted to throw up a quick little blog to show you I'm alive and well...I think :P
been suffering from some rather miserable thoughts, I just hope it passes soon. Other than that, my life hasnt spiraled out of control too bad..
Met an amazing man on here and he has been helping me with my thoughts, my new set, and just flat out amazing! <3
Thank you @jimcurt99 for all your help and support.
He even drew this for me. <3
and he made this for my next set!...
It's a work in process, but can you take a guess at what it is? ;)
When it was in the beginning steps...
and my dog hates me...halloween clearance! <3
And a couple of random pics..
Please be sure to check out my latest set if you haven't yet. Your love and support can help me get my mind off the terrible things in my head. <3
Til next time. <3