Happy Sundies! <3
Hello all and welcome back to the hermit life of the peacock lady. :P
I never forget about you guys, but it's been getting harder to motivate myself with the whole depression problem. Just bear with me folks....
But to get everyone up to speed on my life (still not a very exciting one :P)
Few weeks back I went to see Blackheart Burlesque and it was one of the best things I have ever seen in a long long time. I always had a dancers spirit in me, so burlesque really hits the spot. I was very happy to see this. <3 Very crappy quality, but meh most of them are phone pics. :P
I worked more on my burnings <3
Went to my friend's movie premiere...
Then there was the best day of the year- Halloween!! <3 <3 <3
And last but certainly not least....my new set will be up Tuesday. I have only been dreaming of being an SG since forever. I truly hope this is the one to turn me, or atleast steer me in the right direction. So much stuff has pulled me down lately, it would be nice to have some good...<3
Teasers! <3
Until next time. Love you all <3