Yes I'm still alive...
First off I like to greatly apologize to everyone for neglecting to update my blog for a while. I have been super busy with alot of things and by the end of the day barely have the energy. Thus I started to lose touch. I will try my best to never let this happen again.

Before we tackle that, these next few pics will cover the week just in case work decides to break me...

post sundies-

topless tuesday-

wet wednesday-

You're welcome.

Now onto what's happened lately. I ran off on a little adventure to chicago couple weeks ago. Kraven, Romany and me. Wait a minute, did I just say Romany?! Why yes I did. I was thrilled to meet her. She has the best sense of humor I have ever witnessed and she is so damn breathtakingly beautiful!! Seriously. I can't wait to see her again.

Also a couple a weeks ago, my favorite and most beloved band ever parted ways. My Chemical Romance... I haven't found a way to get over this yet. It was such a blow to the head, that I still listen to their stuff and think, REALLY?!. I have actually cried. Yes I will admit that. Regardless, they will forever remain in my heart. I was a pretty messed up kid and their music inspired me on many levels. They kinda made me who I am today and I will never forget that. Ever. On that note, I have decided to dedicate two areas of my flesh to them. (Now I'm crazy?) I meant tattoos, you creepers! I have planned out to tattoo lyrics on my chest. Then to figure out where it will go first, the hangman logo with lyrics going around it. <3 Also on that note, I told Kraven that the new set we created shall be named after one of their songs.<3 I'm not telling which though
Then here in like a week or so, I will going off again, yes AGAIN, with my dear friend Kraven. We will be heading to Ohio for Hell City. I can't wait to meet all the gorgeous babes that will be there. I also want to point out, that if anyone is going, I want to try and put my new camera to good use. I would like my shot at creating sets. If you ask me to arrange something with you, I would be more than thrilled. Just hit me up. Or even if you just wanna hang out, that's cool too. <3
Yesterday was interesting as well. A friend of mine is going to compete at the chicago film festival and has asked me to be apart of his movie. He sliced my neck open!! COOL HUH! Haha, don't worry. I will have yet another part too. So I'm not just dying. Here's a pic or two.
Also it's shout out time...I love all of you truly and want all of you lovelies to turn pink. However at the moment, these girls have caught my eye, and I'm rooting for them...<3
I'm sure there are others that I'm forgetting, but I think all of the girls need love. Be sure to give them some!! <3
Also here are sets by SG's that have caught my eye..
Glitch - Expansion
Essence - Vintage Vixen
Shipwreck - Kitties and Titties
Delia - Fine and Dandy
Bettejean - Goldenrod
Give them lots of love. <3 <3
So on Friday, You better keep your eyes PEELED!!! Seriously! at 1pm (assuming that's pacific time) , my new set "Miss Martha" will be out for review. Me and Kraven are anxious and have high hopes for this, so try to stop by and tell us what you think. We would love to hear all about it. <3 <3
So to hold you over til' friday, here's some teasers...theres more where this came from if you check back on friday.
Pictures for thought-
And I leave you with Poopy Dawg!
Til' next time. <3 <3