I just don't understand the logic some people have. Theres a woman I met, that will just order glasses of straight ice. Gross. She will sit there and munch on them and go back for seconds. After hearing her annoying crunches for while, I then asked her why she eats ice? She said shes trying to lose weight and eats ice instead. Wow. This just makes her so stupid. First off, ice is horrible on your teeth. Second, even if you lose a couple pounds at first, ice will not work as anyones diet plan. Ever. Third, you wanna feel bloated? Alot of any liquid does that. I punched holes all up in that logic. Common sense is very rare these days. Bitch, go eat a sammich!!
On that note- five pounds lighter

On that note- five pounds lighter

Lol, drinking water should make the same result 

right! must be some mental trick for her, but its still pretty stupid. :/