Starting tonight and lasting through the weekend is the Perseids meteor shower. After the moon sets about 11pm, look to the east/northeast, it will last until sunrise(actually, it will be still going, but you can't see them during the day, silly). The meteor shower will be peaking friday night(after the Violent Femmes show). If you go out just before sunrise (around 4am) Mars will also be visible to the east. Just look for the really bright red "star". You won't be able to miss it.
This is an annual event, each year at this time we pass through the tail of Comet Swift-Tuttle. The tiny bits of comet dust that make up the tail burn up as they hit Earth's atmosphere traveling 132,000 mph.
Hopefully we will get a view to the east this weekend from the coast. I think if we do, I will spend the night out on the beach smoking pot and drinking mead.
It doesn't get much better than that. Unless of course I had someone cuddly to snuggle up with to keep warm.

Starting tonight and lasting through the weekend is the Perseids meteor shower. After the moon sets about 11pm, look to the east/northeast, it will last until sunrise(actually, it will be still going, but you can't see them during the day, silly). The meteor shower will be peaking friday night(after the Violent Femmes show). If you go out just before sunrise (around 4am) Mars will also be visible to the east. Just look for the really bright red "star". You won't be able to miss it.
This is an annual event, each year at this time we pass through the tail of Comet Swift-Tuttle. The tiny bits of comet dust that make up the tail burn up as they hit Earth's atmosphere traveling 132,000 mph.
Hopefully we will get a view to the east this weekend from the coast. I think if we do, I will spend the night out on the beach smoking pot and drinking mead.

Enjoy the show tomorrow night