Why not, Huh? Explain this shit to me...Why can't I get this to fucking work.

Last try and I go to bed

SWEET! Thanks for the help guys, I probably would have given up cause I'm too busy to figure this crap out myself.
So, for those of you who are not familiar with Portland, this is a infamous sign in our chinatown. I'm not sure if the restaraunt is still open, but I've never been inside and all the reviews I heard are pretty bad except for the occasional ""strong, cheap drinks" type comment. Anyway, as cheesy as it is,I couldn't pass up the opertunity to get a shot of the bug in front of the sign last week...and I thought, what the hell, I'll jump in there also... And I can't help laughing every time I look at that pic now

Can you do Tues lunch too.....let me know.....I'll try and drag the hubby so you can meet him.....he's a pretty cool guy once you get him out of his shell

Horse Brass......8:30 Sat night....be there or be square