Homer: We can outsmart those dolphins. Don't forget -- we invented computers, leg warmers, bendy straws, peel-and-eat shrimp, the glory hole, AND the pudding cup.
Yes, he did say Glory hole.
Oh, the other thing I hate about my kids going to school. Colds. I now have a nasty head cold. Thank you baby Jesus for the blessing of snot.
Go team, go. Yeeeeeaaaaaa flem.
Yes, he did say Glory hole.
Oh, the other thing I hate about my kids going to school. Colds. I now have a nasty head cold. Thank you baby Jesus for the blessing of snot.
Go team, go. Yeeeeeaaaaaa flem.
me too....we have been sick everyday since school started back up......fucking germs.....

Every time I go to the doctors, there are sick people everywhere. I swear it's a racket.