Right then, thats it. Snuffstar is just crazy...I gave her another chance to be my friend, she went weird on me again and has again blocked me off her SG. Fuck this shit. I am sick to death of doing absolutely nothing wrong to anyone and being treated like this. I`m sick of giving people chances and having it thrown back in my face,.
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Someone has really hurt a friend of mine, she has been so badly treated today, and I am so pissed off now...I can't help her directly as I am a long way away, I am just so chocked how someone could behave like that and say such awful things...sometimes people really shock me by how awful they can be.
I totally adore you! (but remember that scarf has to go)
I`ll keep it and wear it a lot now, just for you
Come on skype when you can, need to chat to you anyway about stuff.
Come on skype when you can, need to chat to you anyway about stuff.
I am so happy...this is great, i am for the first time in my life just naturally enjoying myself. It has taken a lot of effort, and I think my short break to Portugal helped, but I feel so refreshed...its brilliant. I also got back in touch with an old friend who means a lot to me, and I am glad we made some headway...
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glad you are ok. miss talking to you though
Hmm, I might stick around a bit longer...
do it!
Could someone please tell me how I cancell my account?
I will miess you dearly!!
I may be around a little longer, if I can be persuaded
Well, if you are reading this you know who you are...I thought you were my friend and I come to find you have taken me off everything and blocked me...you could at least tell me why? SO I opened up to you and maybe was too honest with you about myself, but I don't do that with any old person you know. I trusted you...
I swear to god im just a lunatic magnet...
And that is not good, isn't it?
INdeed not no. :s
Im off to Bristol tonight to a friends engagement party. I havn`t seen her in years, should be good!
Have fun! I wish they are good DI6 music for the party ^_^
I did enjoy it, but it wasn't think kind of party to play Di6, so I played some EBM and bit of Der Blutharsch and things...was good.
Well yesterday was interesting. I was at work as ususl and managed to get soemthing stuck in my eye...I had to be rushed to the A&E (what would be an ER in the US I guess) and have the things taken out...they were basically microscopic shards of metal. I have no idea how they got there.. To do this they had to numb both eyes,...
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hey man, whats news?
No news really, all fixed up now with no loss of vision.
I seem to be riding a rough road at the moment. Things are up down. I was chronically depressed last week after seeing a certain someone, someone who caused me more pain than they ever did hapiness...
But now she is gone back to the land of ice and snow, and hopefully she will stay there.
I am trying to feel optimistic about the future,...
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But now she is gone back to the land of ice and snow, and hopefully she will stay there.
I am trying to feel optimistic about the future,...
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reducing clutter is a good thing. You feel a little lighter emotionally as well.
Yes I agree...there is too much clutter, so I will be chucking a load of old videos and magazines and things...
My face is a skull, because you peeled the skin off.
My bones are dust, because you crushed them underfoot.
My mind is a nightmare or twisting, spiralling thoughts.
My body is wrecked, defeated, kapitulated.
Your mind slices me and your toungue burns me like acid.
And yet still I love you.
My bones are dust, because you crushed them underfoot.
My mind is a nightmare or twisting, spiralling thoughts.
My body is wrecked, defeated, kapitulated.
Your mind slices me and your toungue burns me like acid.
And yet still I love you.
Some days I really just feel like loading up and pulling the trigger.
Today is such a day.
Today is such a day.
cuddles xxxxxx
Thanks Rach.
YOU gave ME another chance to be your friend? I think not, we both know it was the other way around and that you begged me to talk to you again. Your exaggeration is unbelievable; you're a dumbass and I obviously shouldn't have let you back in my life a second time. The first time I walked away from our friendship was because I had to, I had issue in my life that was hard on me and I needed to focus everything I had to get through it so that meant walking away from you because I couldn't handle my life and try to handle how depressed and needy you are too. I told you that and you were okay with that so I don't understand why the fuck you wrote this blog. Shortly after I decided to talk to you again you started acting really fucking weird with me and I didn't like it. Why bother tell you because you won't change. You swore to me, when I decided to talk to you again, that things would be different and that after your trip you saw things with more happiness and a overall better perspective but that didn't last. You got all needy again and even worse you got jealous and protective as if I belonged to you. I belong to no one; I do as please, never asking permission coming and going whenever I like. You have no right to question where I am or what I am doing or when I will be online next. My world will never revolve around you, get over it.
I could go on and spill the beans about all that you have told me and about how much of a fruity basket case you are but I am not like that, I would never publicly rant about someone and their personal life unless provoked, which is what you have done. Obviously you have no morals or conscious. I will however say, that after meeting you and talking to you about her and meeting her and talking to her about you my conclusion is that not only are you clinically depressed ( which you told me personally ) but you are fucking insane and no one once they catch on to how you really are will ever want to be with you. You may be older than me but you are ridiculously petty and immature. You also exaggerate way to much, which ultimately just makes you a big fat fucking liar doesn't now Dan.
I totally hate your guts now, there will be no forgiving this time around. Have a good life you miserable fuck!