Procrastination is the deferment or avoidance of an action or task which requires completion by focusing on some other action or task. For the person procrastinating, this can result in a loss of productivity, stress and a sense of guilt. While it is normal for individuals to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological or physiological disorder.
The psychological causes of procrastination vary greatly, but generally surround issues of anxiety, low sense of self-worth, a self-defeating mentality or laziness. Procrastinators are also thought to have a higher-than-normal level of conscientiousness, more based on the "dreams and wishes" of perfection or achievement in contrast to a realistic appreciation of their obligations and potential.
The psychological causes of procrastination vary greatly, but generally surround issues of anxiety, low sense of self-worth, a self-defeating mentality or laziness. Procrastinators are also thought to have a higher-than-normal level of conscientiousness, more based on the "dreams and wishes" of perfection or achievement in contrast to a realistic appreciation of their obligations and potential.
Thanks very much for the add in the friend list!.
Good week end.