From owly

Hey, sweetie, thanks for following to my page 😘💗. I have been inactive for few years( I wrote post about all, what happened to me). I'm back with NEW set, it goes up on this weekend! Hope You will like it ^__^

From luie


Hello, dear! Have you seen my new set "A Pool day with Harley" in Mr? No? So give me love and help me become pink. If so, then thank you immensely.

From lychee


Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar bei meinem Set! :)

Das stimmt. Aber ich war schon einmal in Neuseeland, also weiß ich ein bisschen worauf ich achten muss. :)
Dann lass dich nicht Stechen,Beißen,Fressen,Vergiften,Erwürgen oder Verbrennen :P Ich hoffe du hast eine tolle Zeit da!

From eena


Hi there! Just wanted to pop by seeing as you're following me. I hope you're well! X