Last week, after 10 days of being on the road for work I get into a car accident about 2 blocks from where my office is....the damage could have been worse and no one was hurt. The thing that really stinks is that the car is only 5 months old. they say that accidents occur closest to home but I think the fates are trying to tell me that I spent too much time at work
Thanks to all for your concern the accident It could have been little Honda got rear ended by a Cadillac Escolade, no one was hurt and the damage has been fixed. the thing that really sucked is at the time of the accident my car was only 6 months old
wow! so sorry to hear that! thanks for your support on my new set
Why the comment on my age? lol I'm 3 years away from 30, but 30 is SO the new 20. Yeah