While New Year's sucked, the weekend was quite lovely I must say. Friday I met up with a friend of mine I hadn't seen in a long time, so that was nice. But Saturday was where the fun really was!!
While in Denver, I met up with the fabulous Lux and went to the bestest place in all of the world. Casa Bonita is the magical land portrayed in the South Park episode of the same name, and it is awesome!! I felt like a little dorky kid!! There was horrible, all-you-can-eat Mexican food, a band and dancers, fake gorillas, cliff divers, skits with bad acting, black bart's cave, arcades and in general a overall fabulousness!!!! And I randomly saw a bunch of my friends from college there getting wasted!!
After the dinner and the excitement of the place, we picked up my sister and went to a party in a werehouse/apartment in downtown Denver. There were a bunch of local bands (Little Fyodor was one of them) and it was cool to check out some more underground stuff. And! I am sitting there, you know having a good time, and I look next to me to see who? Jello Biafra!! The Dead Kennedys have always been one of my favorite bands of all time, and I have seen Jellos spoken word a couple of times, but it was pretty cool to see him at this random house where there were no more than 40 people. My sister was pretty impressed by it!! And then I got mad for forgetting to bring a camera with me.
Sunday was low key. I packed, met up for lunch with an ex-girlfriend (God, it was an awful experience - makes you question yourself and ask, What the hell was I thinking? Did I change a whole fucking much, did she, or was I just not thinking at the time?) Anyway, I was glad when it was over. The rest of the day was spent at home, burning music and watching TV.
Oh, I also got in a bit of a fender bender on Monday, on the way to the airport. Luckily it was just a bit more than a love tap, but I have the feeling I will have to pay some bullshit price to avoid bringing insurances into it (not my car, not my insurance policy). But at least noone was even close to being hurt.
Flew back into Chicago last night. I really fuckin missed it. But it is way too cold! Even in two weeks I got used to the weather in Denver and the sun everyday, and now this sucks!!! Also, classes start for me tonight. Am I kinda looking forward to it (how big of a nerd am I??!) And I am pissed since my grades from last semester are not out yet. Jesus, how long does it fucking take??
Song of the Day: Buzzcocks - What Do I Get?
OK, I will stop blabbering now. Must go get some food before class. What sounds good? I dunno, I am not in the mood for anything.
While in Denver, I met up with the fabulous Lux and went to the bestest place in all of the world. Casa Bonita is the magical land portrayed in the South Park episode of the same name, and it is awesome!! I felt like a little dorky kid!! There was horrible, all-you-can-eat Mexican food, a band and dancers, fake gorillas, cliff divers, skits with bad acting, black bart's cave, arcades and in general a overall fabulousness!!!! And I randomly saw a bunch of my friends from college there getting wasted!!
After the dinner and the excitement of the place, we picked up my sister and went to a party in a werehouse/apartment in downtown Denver. There were a bunch of local bands (Little Fyodor was one of them) and it was cool to check out some more underground stuff. And! I am sitting there, you know having a good time, and I look next to me to see who? Jello Biafra!! The Dead Kennedys have always been one of my favorite bands of all time, and I have seen Jellos spoken word a couple of times, but it was pretty cool to see him at this random house where there were no more than 40 people. My sister was pretty impressed by it!! And then I got mad for forgetting to bring a camera with me.
Sunday was low key. I packed, met up for lunch with an ex-girlfriend (God, it was an awful experience - makes you question yourself and ask, What the hell was I thinking? Did I change a whole fucking much, did she, or was I just not thinking at the time?) Anyway, I was glad when it was over. The rest of the day was spent at home, burning music and watching TV.
Oh, I also got in a bit of a fender bender on Monday, on the way to the airport. Luckily it was just a bit more than a love tap, but I have the feeling I will have to pay some bullshit price to avoid bringing insurances into it (not my car, not my insurance policy). But at least noone was even close to being hurt.
Flew back into Chicago last night. I really fuckin missed it. But it is way too cold! Even in two weeks I got used to the weather in Denver and the sun everyday, and now this sucks!!! Also, classes start for me tonight. Am I kinda looking forward to it (how big of a nerd am I??!) And I am pissed since my grades from last semester are not out yet. Jesus, how long does it fucking take??
Song of the Day: Buzzcocks - What Do I Get?
OK, I will stop blabbering now. Must go get some food before class. What sounds good? I dunno, I am not in the mood for anything.
Just wanted to post this here, in case you didn't see my reply on the boards about installing EarthStation 5:
Earthstation 5 Claimed to be Malware
"You may remember the announcement about a company, or program, or both called Earthstation 5 who recently 'Declared War' on the MPAA. Well guess what? Turns out that it's got code in it that allows anyone to delete any file on your computer. I suggest that you un-install as soon as possible!"