so its saturday, in a few hours i get to have the last drink ill have with my best friend for a long while.. he is heading to florida where its warmer, nicer, and well he doesnt have to pay rent while he lives with his girls family.. the economy has taken its toll on his finances and in his line of work there is just no money to be made right now... i understand why he has to do what he is doing but it still sucks.. He is the father of my god son who i wont see grow up now, and the one friend i have been able to count on through the in and outs of so many others.. now im going to have to open myself up and try and make some new friends and find things to do other then what i have done in the past... well with that being said im going to get some sleep, then im gonna go get drunk with my boy one last time.. hope you all have a good weekend and i look forward to hearing from you
<3 fynx