BIG THANKS to all those who sent me warm birthday greetings last week!
my day was a good one. the eve of was ok. i layered my aalcohol incorrectly and as a result i threw up. the red wine on the bottom made it look bloody and very gross.
my friend tia made a batch of cupcakes for me that night that i was too... Read More
I puked up red wine recently and was initially convinced that it was blood. I thought, "oh great, I've finally broken myself." Then I remembered that I had been drinking wine.
it's my birthday tomorrow, but i'll be doing the majority of the celebrating tonight at the cactus. it's monday, my favorite night to go out and have a few drinks. 90210 will be played, my best girl will sit beside me, and the love will drip on my aura like peach juice off a chin on one of those summer days when nothing's... Read More
egads! day seven is in progress and it seems as if the exdperiment is going well. i've gone on the patch before, & usually the nights are full of vivid dreams, some good, some bad, but this time around i haven't had any "patch dreams" to speak of. maybe they will show up on week #2.
overall it's been an enjoyable week. my clothes would... Read More
my journals are going to be fucking lame until my nicotine withdrawl has been beaten down to managable levels. there's nothing funny about being a nonsmoker. the same jokes i could tell as a smoker to thunderous guffaws recieve but feeble chuckles as a nonsmoker. instead of trying to entertain, i now hole up in my "crib" as the hip-hoppers call it and watch whatever... Read More
Be strong pants. You're becoming my inspiration to quit too.
I get teeary whenever I see the end of the episode where Homer's mom leaves again for the hippie underground. Homer is sitting on his car looking at the stars and he seems so sad.
so today i went on the nicotene patch. i had no choice, i was sick as a dog yesterday and i could barely smoke. my lungs were in severe pain as the ill effects of 11 years of smoking kick in and make me feel like shit.
this isn't the first time i've tried to quit. i had a pretty good go at it back... Read More
oh hunnay, i miss you so much. Hey my best friend lives in bay view now. So i'll be on that side of town more often. I can see you!! Take care of yourself sweetie. I'm really happy about your quitting. I hope you can stick with it.
little bit of a gap inbetween journal entries this time. i'll never have the journal readership of a synnove or a punknitemike, or even an esquire, but as i've always said, "i gotta be me!"
what duration of time is a fortnight? i've never figured that out, and i'd like to know so i can bring that word into my everyday bantering.
Yeah, me and Synnove are definately neck and neck in the competition for greatest number of journal comments. 'Cause, you know, I'm an SG supahstaaahh!!!!
Fortnight is two weeks. Fourscore is 80 of whatever it is you're talkin' about.
You totally got screened on Sunday. It was a rough weekend and by Sunday I was having a hard time with verbal communication. But you weren't the only one.
So who are you playing with? Is it my friend Stinky from high school? Heh. Your entry kinda makes it sound like I'm from Omaha. I'm here to put an end to that misconception. ESQUIRE IS NOT FROM OMAHA. HE MIGHT HAVE SLEPT THERE ONCE ON A ROAD TRIP TO COLORADO, BUT THAT IS IT. There. I feel better. Not that there's anything wrong with Omaha. I'm sure its a fine place.
I'm pretty clear this week so let me know what's shakin'.
am i bored all the time because i'm boring? is it the time of the year's fault, maybe?
fuck, i'm such a loser without a car. i can't do shit at all without a car. i had to bum a ride to the fucking grocery store last night because i had no food. i guess i can ride the bus to work, but when it... Read More
Is it that you are attracted to girls who want to be left alone, or girls that you can't just have for one reason or another. I find that I often wants things I can't have and that longing after them fullfills something, but in the end is not what I need, or truly want.