little bit of a gap inbetween journal entries this time. i'll never have the journal readership of a synnove or a punknitemike, or even an esquire, but as i've always said, "i gotta be me!"
what duration of time is a fortnight? i've never figured that out, and i'd like to know so i can bring that word into my everyday bantering.
so in the space of my last journal entry, i had a breakup & a getback-together with that cute girl i've been liking on for the last several fortnights, however long the fuck that is. i just was overwhelmed with this insecure feeling that she wasn't into me anymore, so i suggested we step back off the relationship & into a friends groove. we were ok out of that and dj'ed at the club as a tag team the following monday and it was slammin'! then i went out on wednesday & saw her out where i'd never expect her to be, and i was with some former coworkers, and it felt really weird. i got a drunk message at 3am from her like, "well done, trying to make me jealous, etc..." basically accusing me of a lot of shit. i had an evening out that friday with another girl, and ran into kendra again. this time i suggested we get together to talk later that weekend, but when i got dropped off at the end of the night, i called her and the universe was put back in is place.
oh the power of laaying your guts on the line in a 5 page e-mail.
so that's back in tact, i've been playing music again, with a good buddy of the aforementioned esquire who also happens to be a former omahan. things are looking up, bhut i still have to find a way to make myself like my job.
what duration of time is a fortnight? i've never figured that out, and i'd like to know so i can bring that word into my everyday bantering.
so in the space of my last journal entry, i had a breakup & a getback-together with that cute girl i've been liking on for the last several fortnights, however long the fuck that is. i just was overwhelmed with this insecure feeling that she wasn't into me anymore, so i suggested we step back off the relationship & into a friends groove. we were ok out of that and dj'ed at the club as a tag team the following monday and it was slammin'! then i went out on wednesday & saw her out where i'd never expect her to be, and i was with some former coworkers, and it felt really weird. i got a drunk message at 3am from her like, "well done, trying to make me jealous, etc..." basically accusing me of a lot of shit. i had an evening out that friday with another girl, and ran into kendra again. this time i suggested we get together to talk later that weekend, but when i got dropped off at the end of the night, i called her and the universe was put back in is place.
oh the power of laaying your guts on the line in a 5 page e-mail.
so that's back in tact, i've been playing music again, with a good buddy of the aforementioned esquire who also happens to be a former omahan. things are looking up, bhut i still have to find a way to make myself like my job.

Fortnight is two weeks. Fourscore is 80 of whatever it is you're talkin' about.
You totally got screened on Sunday. It was a rough weekend and by Sunday I was having a hard time with verbal communication. But you weren't the only one.
So who are you playing with? Is it my friend Stinky from high school? Heh. Your entry kinda makes it sound like I'm from Omaha. I'm here to put an end to that misconception. ESQUIRE IS NOT FROM OMAHA. HE MIGHT HAVE SLEPT THERE ONCE ON A ROAD TRIP TO COLORADO, BUT THAT IS IT. There. I feel better. Not that there's anything wrong with Omaha. I'm sure its a fine place.
I'm pretty clear this week so let me know what's shakin'.