what a bitch it is to remember to update this damn journal! i used to be so good, back when i had an imac in my house plugged into a dsl connection. i was hot shit, commenting and being all active and shit.
i got in a streetfight at cactus club a week & some change ago. a couple of guys didn't want to show id's so i told them to get lost. they did, but decided to start banging on the windows in a futile attempt to break the glass. myself and the bartender had to throw these two assholes down the stairs, and eventually one of these guys made a lunge for one of us and that was it. i had to administer "cactus justice" to the head with a 14 inch mag-lite. after taking a hell of a beating, these fuckers left, which was all we wanted in the first place. i don't like to fight, but when you're the bouncer you just have to sometimes.
Robin has been hanging out in our fine city. she's (like all sg's i've had the pleasure of meeting) way hotter in person than the pictures on this here site would indicate. not that the pictures aren't hot, but damn, real girls are way hotter than pictures of girls in any case. show her some love, milwaukee.
i'm still with the same lovely girl. we had a bit of a rough patch but we're on the same page now. i spent the holidays with her family (two days! sheesh!) and after that we'd decompress at cactus club with the familiar smoky air and friendly faces. i spend way too much time there, but what the fuck, right? in fact i will be there tonight for a pizza & ice cream party thrown by a scenester for another scenester.
does anyone remember me on here? yes? no? nobody cares?
i got in a streetfight at cactus club a week & some change ago. a couple of guys didn't want to show id's so i told them to get lost. they did, but decided to start banging on the windows in a futile attempt to break the glass. myself and the bartender had to throw these two assholes down the stairs, and eventually one of these guys made a lunge for one of us and that was it. i had to administer "cactus justice" to the head with a 14 inch mag-lite. after taking a hell of a beating, these fuckers left, which was all we wanted in the first place. i don't like to fight, but when you're the bouncer you just have to sometimes.
Robin has been hanging out in our fine city. she's (like all sg's i've had the pleasure of meeting) way hotter in person than the pictures on this here site would indicate. not that the pictures aren't hot, but damn, real girls are way hotter than pictures of girls in any case. show her some love, milwaukee.
i'm still with the same lovely girl. we had a bit of a rough patch but we're on the same page now. i spent the holidays with her family (two days! sheesh!) and after that we'd decompress at cactus club with the familiar smoky air and friendly faces. i spend way too much time there, but what the fuck, right? in fact i will be there tonight for a pizza & ice cream party thrown by a scenester for another scenester.
does anyone remember me on here? yes? no? nobody cares?

when the hell and we going to get it together and hang out!!!....hmm....
miss ya much love