maybe i should learn to eat before i go out and get all shitfaced. that's why i love taco thursdays at commodore, you eat while you get shitfaced. i was spinny drunk! whoo-whee! i drink so fast at bars these days. same goes for at home, i guess.....
mad planet for a scenester show last night after a day's work in chicago. i have a rental car (holy brakes on that badboy!) so i can commute. my car would be a moving coffin on the tollway. i gotta go back again to finish the shoot and won't be back 'till really late & k's got work early monday so i won't get to hang out with her, i don't think......
i'll probably check out the cactus club when i get back, depending on how i feel. chances are, i'll feel like having a drink no matter how tired i am. but i must be careful, i have to do a freelance shoot monday.
i just looked at my calendar, i've been busy as fuck for the last three or four days. that's a change for me!
mad planet for a scenester show last night after a day's work in chicago. i have a rental car (holy brakes on that badboy!) so i can commute. my car would be a moving coffin on the tollway. i gotta go back again to finish the shoot and won't be back 'till really late & k's got work early monday so i won't get to hang out with her, i don't think......

i'll probably check out the cactus club when i get back, depending on how i feel. chances are, i'll feel like having a drink no matter how tired i am. but i must be careful, i have to do a freelance shoot monday.
i just looked at my calendar, i've been busy as fuck for the last three or four days. that's a change for me!

a bunch of people have off and it won't cost anything...i'll bring snacks...
lemme know....