wednesday already. an uneventful centerpoint to an uneventful week. the only things i have done are eat, drink, and sleep. i'm lazy.
i want hi-fi cafe pasta salad right now. that shit is mad fly. i had a flafel there yesterday.
dismemberment plan is (was) so great.
i saw Monet & thefall last night at the landmark. good times.
wednesday already. an uneventful centerpoint to an uneventful week. the only things i have done are eat, drink, and sleep. i'm lazy.
i want hi-fi cafe pasta salad right now. that shit is mad fly. i had a flafel there yesterday.
dismemberment plan is (was) so great.
i saw Monet & thefall last night at the landmark. good times.
Is it a good *hump* day for you so far?