so i'm at the grocery store, minding my own business. about to enter the checkout line that is devoid of customers, when i hear my name faintly called! i look around and who do i see? oh only my ex, whom i never ever want to talk to again unless it is to rub something i did, or got in her face. so i get out of line and say WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?
I'M CHECKING OUT! but somehow it came out like, hey how are you, you just getting out of work? this is my favorite part, 'yeah, i'm in a hurry though, i just wanted to say hi!' and leaves. so now, there are 4 people ahead of me with huge baskets full of shit, and i'm standing there with my dick in my hand again.
aha, no more, next time i shall be merciless to you trish, i hope you die on your birthday!
whew, that feels better!