well, i must take this time to apologize for flaking out on sgpgh last night.
i was feeling completely anti-social. one of these days i will hang out with the group.
in other news. i can't express enough how much i love lucille ball.
as ralphie, from "A Christmas Story," would say: "ooooooh fuuuuuuuuudge."
i just got approved for a visa with a limit of 1000$. maybe that seems low to the more credible out there- but i'm used to getting about 200-500 to start. and this is dangerous bc i only signed up for the credit card expecting about a 300 dollar limit, which would enable me to get an electric violin for around the 200$ price range...well just think of what i could get with the limit of 1000$.... which is exactly what they want me to do i know it...so, i'm going to keep it in the 200 range so i can easily pay that shit off...however, i think i'm going to cancel my other credit cards and just keep this one. use it for school books once my violin is paid off. *cha-ching!*
please Lord, forgive me...for i do NOT know what i'm freakin' doing!
i was feeling completely anti-social. one of these days i will hang out with the group.
in other news. i can't express enough how much i love lucille ball.
as ralphie, from "A Christmas Story," would say: "ooooooh fuuuuuuuuudge."
i just got approved for a visa with a limit of 1000$. maybe that seems low to the more credible out there- but i'm used to getting about 200-500 to start. and this is dangerous bc i only signed up for the credit card expecting about a 300 dollar limit, which would enable me to get an electric violin for around the 200$ price range...well just think of what i could get with the limit of 1000$.... which is exactly what they want me to do i know it...so, i'm going to keep it in the 200 range so i can easily pay that shit off...however, i think i'm going to cancel my other credit cards and just keep this one. use it for school books once my violin is paid off. *cha-ching!*
please Lord, forgive me...for i do NOT know what i'm freakin' doing!
the last bastion of credit card infidel individuals
i know a cop that did that
you missed me as manson next time
ill go as the version with breasts though