I hate them, most people do right? I'm terrified of getting work done on my teeth. Just thinking about it has me stressed out. Ah. My friends laugh because how can this woman who loves tattoos and piercings be so scared of a dentist. At least you get numbed for that! Ha ha ha. No. It's the scariest ((real)) thing I am dealing with.
I haven't been to a dentist since I was 16 ish and I had a horrible dentist. Well the last time I went, my wisdom teeth started coming in. No big deal except that the top ones don't really fit in my mouth. The guy told me I would need to have all 4 wisdom teeth extracted to avoid problems later. He went on to tell me my bottom two are impacted. Um what? I didn't know what that meant then, but when he said sometimes they accidentally break your jaw when the dentist takes them out.... that was it. I never went back.
After working for 3 years and having insurance for 2, I decided to finally go. Not because my teeth hurt. Not because I'm hiding gaping gross cavities in the back. My front top teeth are all messed up. Like really crooked. I hide it as well as I can in pictures but it's a huge downer on my confidence face to face with people. I know it causes me to hold back in a lot of situations and people think I'm giving fake smiles because I never give big toothy smiles when I remember how my teeth look.
2 weeks and I get all 4 wisdom teeth pulled and my first cleaning in 6 years. I couldn't be more worried about it. On top of that... what will happen to the weight I have been gaining when I won't be able to hardly eat the week I get them pulled... not looking forward to that. Yay for the valium and laughing gas I guess.
And a little longer till I find out when I can get braces. Wires in my mouth.. ugh....