So I've been pretty much stuck in bed for the last two days. Managed to make dinner last night because I always try to give my sister home cooked food when I'm not working. Otherwise I've just been dealing with how bad my head hurts. Unfortunately for me,I love all these things you aren't supposed to do when you have a migraine. Reading, browsing the internet, playing my cp games, watching Netflix or Amazon prime.... I have a hard time just sleeping all day.
Also gonna work on toning my body up again. In high school I was in a NJROTC program that I loved. It kept me pretty active and in shape. No, I don't believe that just being skinny means I'm in shape. I was the only girl in my class the last year that got the physical training award. I could do like a million sit ups and just enough pushups and the run (even though I almost passed out thanks to my asthma) plus going on hikes with all the guys. I never wanted to be just this fragile girl I appear to be so it was a big deal to prove myself. I really want that back. Been trying to go hike every Saturday morning after work. Working on my abs again and I know I'll have to get some arm strength back. It's just so hard to stay motivated so I'll see how this goes.
Got a big surprise coming hopefully by the end of this year. >.< Can't wait to share it but for now, I'm just keeping as quite as I can manage.