What's your best quality??
An other great topic, so hire I go @missy @rambo @lyxzen 💞
I've always thought my best quality is to learn, if you think about it it's the main reason why we are in this reality. Happiness is just a mater of knowing what you want, already being aware of what makes you happy wanting it enough and working to materialize your dreams. When we are not happy it's because we are confused.
I'm only 19 years old but I grew up with a single Dad so basically my family has always been him and my cats! The location of my first and only set is actually my fathers house.
I had to learn how to be responsible, manage a home, drive, make food and all the things a mom would do, we were the best fucking team ever.
Learning is the only way I've made it this far, now I'm independent and live by my self thanks to what my life told me, we always have to manage a way to make even the most fucked up situation an opportunity to learn and be stronger.
Exited for all the things I will be able to see and learn from in the future, exited to overcome any adversity 🌌