Hello SG :)
so much to tell, really good and really bad news.
lets start with the good, i finally took my certification as a pole dance instructor :) it went great, i have been taking private streaching classes to improve my flexibility and it really shows :) it is really painful but totally worth it.
it was a great expiriecne and i get to know so many nice girls, i have a lot to improve, i wanto to be the best teacher in the world :) now i need to take the advanced one, working hard to get it, i simply love pole.
i got two new tattoos, a little cat skull with a rose, and my other shoulder. bloody pics :D the flowers are from my favorite holiday Día de muertos :) i love being mexican :)

in other good news, im going to be n a calendar :) mony was going really bad as always so i decided to go to a casting, and it went great, the shoting is in two weeks, i will keep you informe. this is the picture forom the casting.
in bad news :( i broke up with my boyfriend, things

were good but something happend, he get the middel age crisis and fuck everything up, so i wont be able to see my little girl Sam :( that is just breaking my heart, i love her so much and i miss her sooooooooo.
the stupid boy said i was to intense, what? i mena yes i know im crazy but i was relly nice to him, i use to have a lot of issus with my body and have a really bad expirience with mi weight and stuf, i use to be a cutter :( (hope i can cover the scars really soon with a beautiful tattoo) well i use to have a lot of mental problems, but now i fee good, i havent take any medication for almost 2 years and he said im intense ? dude are you crazy, this is the light version of me, the normal one . fuck him, the bad thing is that he get to keep our baby :( i miss her fussy body , mi wolfy girl...