hey SG
today is my first german class, im so excited to lern a new lenguage, wish me luck
in other news i decided i want a new tattoo, i want it between the bubs, i think thas the main reson why god
didnt give me big bubs, so i could have more space to color ja ja ja
i will post some pictures when is done.
what do you think about middle bubs tattoos, i love them, i think that the bigest influence was Fractal, i love her, she is super gorgeous.
one of my favorite SG

today is my first german class, im so excited to lern a new lenguage, wish me luck

in other news i decided i want a new tattoo, i want it between the bubs, i think thas the main reson why god
didnt give me big bubs, so i could have more space to color ja ja ja
i will post some pictures when is done.
what do you think about middle bubs tattoos, i love them, i think that the bigest influence was Fractal, i love her, she is super gorgeous.

one of my favorite SG