Check out this video! it's amazing. it's a nasa clip of the moon passing in front of the sun taken from 1000 miles in space. very hip.
trilo has the whole story behind it posted in The Experiment tribe which is also where he's posting info about his monthly event. (Experiment #2 is coming up the first friday in may.)
i'm too busy doing sooo much stuff to catch up on this blog. suffice it to say i am neck-deep in fabrics and videos! (those two things doesn't sound as un-connected as they might seeing as how i'm a gemini.)
and hey, i have two hands, right?
hope you're having a creative week!
what'cha been up to?

my partner in crime marks way to easy
and now she has rope marks etched into her skin that have been there for a week now
how is your new batch of ropes coming along??