ok so im very drunk now so if this make no sense, sorry.
i find it strange that the same phrases always come to me: go home, making babies, im just a man are just a few examples.
a fairly uneventful week but yesterday IT SNOWED. Wooooooo. I know everyone seems to hate snow but this was great. i havent had this good snow since i was tres young. now i know why i live in north wales. so i spent yesterday building a snowman, having snowball fights with my girlfriend, and sledging on plastic bags and trays. its so long since ive had good snow. today was treacherous. the pavements(sidewalks) were sheets of ice. fucking amazing, so dangerous. i fell over all day. brilliant.(can you tell how drunk i am). Right now im sitting in my room drinking very cheap neat whiskey and watching DVDs. I took loads of photos recently and now i really need to hit the dark room, now ive got like three rolls of undeveloped black and white. weve been shooting our teddy film loads recently. its hilarious. weve got so many shit shots. on Tuesday we really start in earnest, we hope to shoot nearly two thirds of the film (4 5 pages) in two days. we spent a couple a hours today working out a shooting script. i have no idea what im talking about.
oh, and ive been making my new website. its dead simple. just little pictures, its growing by the day. please take a look, id really love just a few hits, even if you do think its shit. the artwork is all mine. The Panic Function
kiss kiss
[edit: ok so im sad , i guess its easily a guess, imean im getting pissed on very cheap whiskey on my own right? right. sorry. i guess i only post when im sad]
[edit again: oh god, so pissed, i want to fuck the world. i hate so much. sorry. i just can't stop punching things. i hate everything. oh i'm going to delete this post when i wake up, i know i am. i probably can't even spell in it. is there anythin about myself i don't hate?
i find it strange that the same phrases always come to me: go home, making babies, im just a man are just a few examples.
a fairly uneventful week but yesterday IT SNOWED. Wooooooo. I know everyone seems to hate snow but this was great. i havent had this good snow since i was tres young. now i know why i live in north wales. so i spent yesterday building a snowman, having snowball fights with my girlfriend, and sledging on plastic bags and trays. its so long since ive had good snow. today was treacherous. the pavements(sidewalks) were sheets of ice. fucking amazing, so dangerous. i fell over all day. brilliant.(can you tell how drunk i am). Right now im sitting in my room drinking very cheap neat whiskey and watching DVDs. I took loads of photos recently and now i really need to hit the dark room, now ive got like three rolls of undeveloped black and white. weve been shooting our teddy film loads recently. its hilarious. weve got so many shit shots. on Tuesday we really start in earnest, we hope to shoot nearly two thirds of the film (4 5 pages) in two days. we spent a couple a hours today working out a shooting script. i have no idea what im talking about.
oh, and ive been making my new website. its dead simple. just little pictures, its growing by the day. please take a look, id really love just a few hits, even if you do think its shit. the artwork is all mine. The Panic Function
kiss kiss
[edit: ok so im sad , i guess its easily a guess, imean im getting pissed on very cheap whiskey on my own right? right. sorry. i guess i only post when im sad]
[edit again: oh god, so pissed, i want to fuck the world. i hate so much. sorry. i just can't stop punching things. i hate everything. oh i'm going to delete this post when i wake up, i know i am. i probably can't even spell in it. is there anythin about myself i don't hate?